Datazoom Data-as-a-Service Platform IBC:2023 Demo Showcase

Datazoom Overview

Datazoom is an enterprise, cloud-based Data-as-a-Service Platform, with unique capabilities to support media companies. We offer data Collection (SDKs, Libraries, and APIs), Processing (standardization, filtering, enrichment and transformation) and Delivery of event-based data in real-time. The output of using Datazoom is a stream (or batch) of structured data landing in your own data storage or analytics.

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Client Side Tracking for SSAI

Datazoom has extended the data collection capability of our client SDK to include SSAI tracking events for MediaTailor-based workflows. Click the "SEE THE DEMO" button to watch a live comparison of CSAI and SSAI adtech implementation using Datazoom data collection technology.

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SSAI Distributed Request Tracing Solution

Datazoom has partnered with New Relic to combine video player, media requests, and CDN log files into a tracing visualization for advanced QoE observability. Click the "SEE THE DEMO" button to view a session with SSAI in New Relic with a distributed tracing visualization.

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Quality of Experience (QoE) Solution

Understand the health of your video streams by understanding key metrics like Video Start Time, Stall Ratio and Average bitrate, with full access to event-level data and customizable queries.

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Building Analytics on AWS

Advertising Monetization Dashboard Solution

Get a granular view of monetization by understanding the performance of each ad impression, tied back to a users, content and other variables.

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